Online legal & Lawyer Services in India
Legal Advice via Phone
Initiate a 30-min phone consultation. Clarify your issues and find legal solutions in a single call, effectively.
Typed Legal Advice
Online legal advice and legal help on your legal questions. Post your question and get fast replies from popular lawyers. Get free solution for all your legal needs; perhaps a second legal opinion too.
Send Legal Notice
Create and send legal notice to your respondent from your home, with the help of popular lawyers in standard price.
NRI Legal Service
NRI can solve their legal issues with appropriate legal procedures from top Lawyers. Get NRI services in one click.
What our Clients are saying ...

Vijay Krishna, Chennai
"IndiaLawsOnline provides quality legal advice from top-rated lawyers in India. Questions asked online receive multiple high quality answers from lawyers within a few minutes. "

Rahul, Mumbai
"One of the best legal websites in India when I need the service at odd hours in nominal rates from experienced and sincere lawyers, it is fast, secure and flexible."

Anwar, Hyderabad
"Prompt reply and servicing by a popular advocate which clarified me and made me confident in the dispute with a property builder in the grass root level with nominal rates."

Prachi, Delhi
"I appreciate the lawyer's patience and sincere effort for giving a phone consultation with me. He suggested clear advice and made me in track and reviving, for my family issue. Thank You IndiaLawsOnline."